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No jail for rapist because victim “wanted to party”

February 24th, 2011     by Anastasia Szakowski     Comments

Yes. This is a real headline. A Manitoba judge ruled last week that a rapist won’t go to jail because “sex was in the air.” From The National Post:

Rhodes and a friend met the 26-year-old woman and her girlfriend earlier that night outside of a bar under what the judge called “inviting circumstances.” Judge Dewar specifically noted the women were wearing tube tops with no bra, high heels and plenty of makeup. “They made their intentions publicly known that they wanted to party,” said the judge. He noted the women spoke of going swimming in a nearby lake that night “notwithstanding the fact neither of them had a bathing suit.” …This is a different case than one where there is no perceived invitation,” he said. “This is a case of misunderstood signals and inconsiderate behaviour.” Judge Dewar said he didn’t want to be seen as blaming the victim, but that all of the factors surrounding the case must be viewed to assess “moral blameworthiness.”

Apparently this “moral blameworthiness” has everything to do with wearing tube tops and plenty of makeup, and alluding to skinny dipping. Because “sex in the air” always means “inevitable sex.” Right.

Yet another case of “she was asking it,” folks! I’m sure she’ll really appreciate her rapist’s apology letter when it arrives in the mail.

Ed note: This article from the CBC follows up on the situation; complaints against Dewar are being formally reviewed. Right on!

Tags: media savvy, rape culture

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