In the Blog

Sexist Ads in Review

December 20th, 2007     by Stacey May Fowles     Comments

I love this time of year because it is time for the “year in review,” where every media outlet offers best and worst lists for your reviewing pleasure. It’s a time to look back and reflect on some of the truly awful ways the media has depicted gender over the last year.

Second Innocence has a Most Sexist Ad of the Holiday Season Competition running, which is already producing some sexist gems from throughout the year. The blog actually includes one of my recent picks, while the comments section brings up old faves like the “Technophonic Minnie Draughter.” Second Innocence also offers a great link to Copyranter, a whole site of hated ads, so I thought I’d take the time to throw together a few of the most appalling picks from there and elsewhere for your end-of-year enjoyment.

1) “What’s even funnier than the absurd notion that a Hearts on Fire diamond will buy you monogamy (or that diamond purchases aren’t so frequently given in penitence for the sins of infidelity) is that really all it says is your man is a sucker… Basically, this diamond costs you about 30% more, but there is no actual value added by the branding. In other words, it’s just a scam.”

2) “Is it just me? Or does this print ad for P.Diddy’s new fragrance seem, well, wrong? Unforgivable Woman? Really?”

3)”These John White shoe ads are wrong wrong wrong!”

4)This bathroom installation put together by Arrive Alive to discourage binge drinking seems problematic. “And why does she have to be…wearing a G-string? Because only SLUTS get drunk, stoo-pid!”

5) “Racks have been exploited to advertise pretty much anything and everything…And now, a cutesy-though-ample, metaphoric one is used to ostensibly sell a Pittsburgh pool hall’s ‘ladies night.’”

6) According to the Diamond Trading Company, women and their opinions of you are for sale.

7) The universal language of sexist beer ads.

8) “See, her husband/boyfriend hasn’t viciously assaulted her, resulting in the death/loss of her unborn baby. It’s just a little harmless joke.”

9) “Where dreams have room to grow.” Because girls like cooking, cleaning and laundry…

10)…and “Boys are Built Different.”

Just look how far we’ve come this year! Anyone else have some sexist ads they’d like to add to our 2007 list?

Tags: media savvy

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