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Sins Invalid: ‘An unshamed claim to beauty in the face of invisibility’

February 29th, 2012     by Julia Horel     Comments

New College Speaker Series 2012, in collaboration with the Art Gallery of Ontario & The School of Disability Studies at Ryerson University, presents:

Performance excerpts from Sins Invalid ‘An unshamed claim to beauty in the face of invisibility’

Featuring performances by: Alex Cafarelli, Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha, Maria Palacios and Leroy Moore

Saturday March 17 2012 - 7pm Art Gallery of Ontario, Weston Family Learning Centre 317 Dundas St. West Toronto, ON Beverly Street Entrance

Facebook event link here.

FREE admission ASL interpretation Wheelchair accessible Attendant care

Sponsored by: Equity Studies Program (New College), Ryerson School of Disability Studies, Dept. of Sociology and Equity Studies (OISE), Art Gallery of Ontario, Students for Barrier-Free Access (UT), RyeAccess, Centre for Diaspora and Transnational Studies (UT), Equity Studies Student Union (UT) and R3 collective.

Official event of RyeAccess’ ‘Reclaiming our bodies and minds’ conference, part of ESSU’s Disability Studies Week 2012

SINS INVALID is a performance project that incubates and celebrates artists with disabilities, centralizing artists of color and queer and gender-variant artists as communities who have been historically marginalized. Our performance work explores the themes of sexuality, embodiment and the disabled body. Conceived and led by disabled people of color, we develop and present cutting-edge work where normative paradigms of “normal” and “sexy” are challenged, offering instead a vision of beauty and sexuality inclusive of all individuals and communities. We define disability broadly to include people with physical impairments, people who belong to a sensory minority, people with emotional disabilities, people with cognitive challenges, and those with chronic/severe illness. We understand the experience of disability to occur within any and all walks of life, with deeply felt connections to all communities impacted by the medicalization of their bodies, including trans, gender variant and intersex people, and others whose bodies do not conform to our culture(s)’ notions of “normal” or “functional.”

Find out more about Sins Invalid:

Tags: arts, disability, event listings, queeriosities, race and racism

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