In the Blog

the community chalkboard project!

April 4th, 2007     by Thea Lim     Comments

I think this is really neet: a Halifax artist is taking audience participation to a new level with the Community Chalkboard Project. He installs chalkboards supplied with chalk and rags in outdoor locations that would normally be commandeered by private interests - i.e. places where there are normally ads. And then people write all over them.

The thing that I like best about this project is how generally none of the scribblings are of the “For a good time call…” nature. Mostly people seem to use the chalkboard to write down messages that bring something positive to the environment, just like the chalkboard does.

This is why I have so much faith in the masses. You can always count on them (or us) to make good use of art.


Tags: activist report

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