In the Blog

well hello shameless!

August 6th, 2010     by Julia Caron     Comments

Hi! I’m julia caron. I’m a 24 year old queer person living in Quebec City. In my years, I’ve worked as a newspaper editor, factory worker, used bookstore clerk, and film society director, to name a few. More recently, I’ve been blogging about fashion from a critical feminist perspective at my blog, a l’allure garconniere, since 2009. I’m really excited to join the ranks of Shameless, as I’ve been a reader for years and am excited to shake things up.

Here at Shameless, I’ll be taking care of Film Fridays on a bi-monthly basis. Seeing as one of my favourite hobbies is snuggling up on the couch with my best friends and a big bowl of popcorn and watching our favourite movies, I think the shoe will fit quite nicely.

I gotta say, this will be an interesting ride for me. I recently realized that most of my favourite films hardly pass the Bedchel test, and I am often drawn to men’s stories. I’ve been wondering how my (relatively radical) politics are reflected in my love of movies and my tense relationship with Hollywood. Which movies appeal to me, and why? What makes a film feminist, or even at the more basic level, what kind of movies do we want to see and make as feminists? I’m really excited to start conversations about films with you here at Shameless, to find where we agree and disagree, and what we want and need from the world of film.

So you can get to know me better, here are a handful of my favourite films in no particular order, some of which you can watch online by clicking the links: XXY (Puento, 2007) Pandora’s Box (Pabst, 1929) Alphaville (Godard, 1965) La Jetee (Marker, 1968) The Royal Tenenbaums (Anderson, 2001) Meshes of the Afternoon (Derren, 1943) Kanehsatake: 270 years of resistance (Obomsawin, 1994) le chat dans le sac (Groulx, 1965) Modern Times (Chaplin, 1936)

But! if you haven’t seen (or even heard of) many of these films, have no fear! I’m going to try to focus on current movies, ones that are just released for rental or are still in the movie theatres, with a Retro Film Friday thrown in from time to time for good measure. And I want to know what you are watching, too. If you have any requests of films you’d like to see reviewed, send me an email! juliacaron AT gmail DOT com.

Tags: all about shameless, film fridays

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