Women/girls, gender non-conforming, and 2SLGBTQ+ Science Fiction & Podcasting Workshop.

Saturday, August 5, 2017 – Thursday, July 27th, 2017

  • Time: 11:00am – 4:00pm
  • Location: Artscape Youngplace (Sketch)
  • Address: 180 Shaw Street, Toronto, ON, Canada (map)
  • Accessibility: Wheelchair Accessible, Scent-free, Gender-neutral Washrooms

Resisting the narrative that radio, succeeded by visual communications, is now ‘dead’; women, gender diverse, and 2SLGBTQ+ youth will spend weekends during the month of August (Aug 5 - 27) producing audio works of speculative fiction. Facilitators will arrange skillshares on how to use equipment (different kinds of mics, recorders, digital audio workstations), encourage creative experimentation with writing and sound, share inspiring works of sci-fi and speculative fiction, and collectively produce some sci-fi podcasts and experimental audio works.

Following the lineage of radical speculative fiction writers such as Octavia Butler, Samuel Delany, and Ursula le Guin, we see writing speculative/science fiction as a way to envision and communicate our visions of an egalitarian future; to reimagine sexuality, class, race, gender, caste, etc.; and to reorganize (or obliterate) these structures of oppression.

Free, with lunch and transit tokens provided.

Priority will be given to IBPOC (Indigenous, Black, and/or People of Colour) applicants.

Ideally, you will be able to attend all workshop days in AUGUST (weekends from the 5th - 27th between 10am and 4pm). If you like the sound of this, please fill out an application to attend here.

To apply please contact: sounding.out.workshop@gmail.com

Produced with the support of the City of Toronto through the Toronto Arts Council and hosted in collaboration with Artscape Youngplace (Sketch).

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