In the Blog

You’re an individual, and that makes people nervous.

August 23rd, 2008     by Diandra Oliver     Comments

Today on The Kitchn there was an article about The Perfect Tomato Sandwich and it reminded me of Harriet’s struggle with her mastery of cutting a tomato.

I always felt kind of childish watching the Harriet the Spy movie with my little sister. I was in high school and “kid” movies like that weren’t supposed to make me cry! Especially since I read the book when I was a wee one. I think what I liked most about the story was that it was about a curious young girl who had a love for tomato sandwiches and an ability to have incredibly true emotions for a young fictional person. I love the part in the movie where Harriet is fighting with her mom about being a big enough person to cut the tomato for her sandwich, but her mom gives her a butter knife and splat goes the tomato. Oh the angst of the pre-teen. Didn’t her mother know that she was an amazing spy and had the skills to use a sharp knife?

It was that moment of her struggling with the tomato that I took on the tomato sandwich as my daily I’m-a-new-vegetarian lunch. I mean, if this cool spy can relish in the tomato sandwich its simplicity was good for me!

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